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March 5, 2009--

Here are links to but a few examples of Al Gore's attacks (in 1992) against President Bush 41 for having ended the Persian Gulf War in 1991 without toppling Saddam Hussein and/or for having "ignored" Saddam Hussein's links to terrorism and/or for having "coddled" Saddam Hussein by leaving him in power.  Viewing the entirety of all of them is the best way to place the comments in each one in proper context:   [](C-SPAN); []; []; []; [](C-SPAN); and [](C-SPAN). Then, don't forget to contrast the sentiments Gore expressed in 1992 with those he expressed against Bush 43 after the toppling of Saddam Hussein:  [], which is a shorter clip from the same speech than the clip included in the following video:  [].


Permanent link to this installment: 

http://WrennCom.Com/GoreOnHusseinRePersianGulfWarAndBush41.htm .

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at WrennCom.Com; also Editor at PoliSat.Com.
