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July 27, 2006--
Thank-You to Canadian Major Paeta Hess-von Kruedener for his email exposing a truth about which Kofi Annan
eagerly spouted Hezbollah propaganda by claiming Israeli bombing of UNIFIL post on July 25, 2006
"apparently deliberate."
So eager is Kofi Annan to believe Hezbollah propaganda and presume the worst about Israel's motives
that without bothering to wait to learn the facts that he eagerly and immediately spouted to the
world the specious assertion that the deaths of four UNIFIL observers in the bombing of a UNIFIL
post in southern Lebanon on July 25, 2006 resulted from an "apparently deliberate"
targeting of such post by Israel. The well-understood "fog of war" as a source
of initially erroneous reports does not suffice to explain his eager embrace of such propagandistic
assertion. Rather, the operative explanation is readily apparent--
i.e., his predispositions to: (a) excuse terroristic haters of the West in general and
Israel and the United States in particular and (b) presume the worst about the motives of the United
States and Israel.
Enough, already! To whom do we owe posthumous thanks for the truth exposing the speciousness
of such propaganda? Major Paeta Hess-von Kruedener, a Canadian Forces soldier courageously
serving with the UN in South Lebanon,
who died on July 25, 2006, when a bomb struck the UNIFIL post in which he was on duty in southern
Lebanon. Here's the operative language in an email Maj. Hess-von Kruedener wrote on July 18,
2006, which email Canadian TV published on July 18, 2006 (a full week before Kofi Annan
speciously and recklessly implied the opposite of the truth explained in the email):
What I can tell you is this: we have on a daily basis had numerous occasions where our position has come under direct or indirect fire from both artillery and aerial bombing. The closest artillery has landed within 2 meters of our position and the closest 1000 lb aerial bomb has landed 100 meters from our patrol base. This has not been deliberate targeting, but has rather been due to tactical necessity.
Not only did Maj. Hess-Von
Kruedener courageously remain at his post in extreme danger to himself, he also courageously told
the truth about his circumstances despite the politically incorrect nature of such truth in the
minds of Kofi Annan and most of the anti-western "diplomats" and bureaucrats within the
United Nations. Here's the July 26, 2006
link to the Canadian TV article updating the July 18, 2006 article containing the entirety of his
email: [http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060718/mideast_lebanon_UN_060716/20060718/].
Just in case such Canadian TV were to fail to preserve such link in its archives, WrennCom.Com has
preserved its substantive content at: http://WrennCom.Com/ArchivesOfSources/CanadianTV-Lebanon-UNIFIL-20060726.html.
Thus, Kofi Annan's spewing of false Hezbollah propaganda was more than merely "apparently
deliberate" though not deliberately apparent given his apparent assumption that the truth would
not emerge to refute what anyone not harboring his biases/prejudices on the struggle between Islamic
Fascism and Western Civilization would have almost immediately discerned to be an apparently
propagandistic falsehood by the former rather than evidence of any "apparently deliberate"
act by the latter. It's yet another example of Kofi Annan's apparently unwitting self-exposure
as: (a) an almost reflexive apologist for almost any tactic by almost any anti-western group
of fanatics and (b) a virtually reflexive critic of almost any western action against anti-western
To Maj. Hess-Von Kruedener's friends, family and colleagues, we extend our condolences and in his
memory we hereby express our admiration of his courage and our appreciation of his loyalty to the
truth and the highest ideals of western civilization.
--Jim Wrenn, Editor@WrennCom.Com;
also Editor@PoliSat.Com.
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