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April 24, 2007--

Conservatives and Non-Leftists Teeter on "McGovernizing" Themselves in Reverse by Continuing to "Preach to the Choir" as America Nose-Dives into Defeatism on Iraq.  

This is an open letter to "us"-- i.e., we who favor victory in Iraq, understand it as an inextricable component of the long, twilight struggle between the forces of freedom and totalitarianism, and understand that failure or defeat in Iraq would be catastrophic for our country, ourselves and our posterity:

Stop preaching to the choir.  They already understand.  Tell the choir they must immediately support and provide funding for a massive, first-class, truth-telling campaign directed at the mind of "Middle" America to counter the infection of defeatism that's spreading rapidly.  Remember, with one movie alone (JFK), Oliver Stone created a mass misperception of history in the minds of "middle" America, a majority of whom now believe the CIA killed JFK.  Stone, MoveOn, and George Soros, et al ad nauseum are on the verge permanently infecting middle America's mind with comparable misperceptions about the stakes in Iraq.

The defeatists are on the verge of having permanently planted into the minds of "middle" Americans the specious claims:   (a) that WMD reports were "lies" presented as grounds for Operation Iraqi Freedom, (b) that carnage in Iraq would decrease rather than increase dramatically "if only" America would withdraw, (c) that if we hadn't toppled Saddam, we wouldn't by now be facing an all-out effort on his part to reconstitute his WMD programs as well as to try to beat the Iranians in the race for a nuclear weapon, (d) that our "withdrawal" from Iraq would enable us to more effectively fight Islamic totalitarianism (rather than yielding to them a sanctuary in Iraq far more effective and dangerous to us and the West than al Qaeda's remote sanctuary in Afghanistan could ever have been), and, as an "extra attraction," (e) that Bush and his minions may have somehow contributed to, or "staged," 9-11.   Regarding item "(c)" above, see http://PoliSat.Com/RewindRewriteReplay.htm; see also http://PoliSat.Com/ExposingBushOnIraq.htm

If we continue business as usual by continuing to merely preach to the choir, then defeatism is virtually assured as the outcome.  We've catered to informed passengers in America's plane so long that we've failed to notice that our adversaries are in the cockpit and are determined to complete a nose dive in their mistaken belief (fueled in part by their blind hatred for Bush) that they're making an "emergency" landing.  We don't have much time to alter this potentially catastrophic trajectory.

It's time for we who understand the stakes to collectively create and support an aggressive truth-telling campaign.  If we fail, our posterity won't forgive us.

Some of us who understand the stakes may be inclined to say, "I agree, but I just can't do more than I'm doing right now."  I believe that's probably what our troops in Iraq are saying every day as they perform their missions while watching us let ourselves (and them) be defeated by a slick, well-funded media campaign by defeatists.  We owe it to them to find a way to "do more."  Now, let's get rolling!  

Otherwise, we will have "McGovernized" ourselves in reverse -- i.e., marginalized our views and influence into a form of political irrelevance until it's too late.  We don't want to be content to be able to say "we told you so" after likely greater disasters unfold on America.

I doubt my server would handle a massive influx of emails, so if there's someone out there who agrees with me and has access to a server capable of such volume, let me know at Editor no-space at-symbol no-space WrennCom.Com or Editor no-space at-symbol no-space PoliSat.Com.  I'll try to "do more than I'm doing right now."

Jim Wrenn is Editor at WrennCom.Com and Editor at PoliSat.Com.  

Permanent Link to this Commentary:  http://WrennCom.Com/CommentaryArchives/2007/20y07m04d24-01.asp.