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Campaign Finance "Reform"

--The Antithesis of Free Speech


    Campaign finance laws are extremely complex, which is why the only sensible and constitutionally-sound "reform" is quite simple:  Repeal all existing campaign finance laws except the prohibition against a candidate or official knowingly accepting a contribution from a foreign source.  In the land of the free and the home of the brave, no citizen should need to consult a lawyer to know whether any particular contribution to, or activity on behalf of, any particular candidate or cause would violate any law.  Campaign laws that can't be readily understood by a citizen using ordinary common sense make a mockery of the freedom of political expression guaranteed by the First Amendment.  The law already presumes that every citizen knows that bribery is a crime.  That's enough in a free society.
    As legislators have made campaign-finance laws increasingly more complex in the name of "reform," the percentage of citizens actively participating in politics has steadily declined.  Politicians conveniently blame "special interests" while assiduously serving them by making campaign-finance laws so complex that they deter all but the most avid political junkies from participating in the process.
    To improve the situation doesn't require rocket science.  If the more than 200 million adults in America are genuinely outraged by the influence of contributions by PACs or wealthy individuals, all they need to do is donate a measly $10 each to the candidates of their choice, which would provide two billion dollars-- more than enough to provide their candidates adequate media access onto the battleground of ideas.  If only a few choose to make such contributions and thereby exert a greater influence on the public debate than those who choose not to contribute, then those who choose not to contribute are not entitled to whine about such effect of their own passivity.  --Jim Wrenn, Editor