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March 5, 2009--

EMP Bomb.

Click here (or scroll down) for links 

What is an "EMP" Bomb?  It's the Electro-Magnetic Pulse (high-energy radiation) emitted by nuclear blast.  A nuclear detonation in orbit would direct such EMP towards land below the orbit and the effect of such EMP pulse would be to destroy virtually all micro-circuitry not protected by special "Farahday Cages"-- thus, a single EMP blast over the United States could disable virtually all unprotected micro-circuitry throughout the country.  (Do you think any significant portion is protected?  Think again.)  Thus, virtually all modern devices that incorporate any micro-circuitry into their operation would in an instant be rendered inoperable-- and that would include virtually all factory modern factory equipment that would be needed to replace virtually everything else.  How many devices upon which we routinely rely today are dependent upon micro-circuitry for essential functions?  The list is almost endless-- all motor vehicles made after the 1970's, gasoline pumps, airplanes, trains, refrigerators, ovens, micro--waves, radios, televisions, telephones, cell-phones, medical equipment, power plants, all robotics in all manufacturing plants, ... the list is too long to continue.

Meanwhile, what are we doing?  We've been wasting billions, and are on the verge of wasting trillions, on the Humans-Are-Overheating-The-Planet religion fraudulently masquerading as "indisputable science." 


[] (Note-- in watching the two videos in this article, ignore the religion but pay serious attention t the science.)

More links to come ...  this is just a starter.  This is not new knowledge; it's only become of greater interest today as Iran gets closer and closer to producing The Bomb along with its already-demonstrated ability to launch rockets into orbit.

Jim Wrenn, Editor, WrennCom.Com.

Permanent link to this installment: 

http://WrennCom.Com/EMPBomb.htm .

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at WrennCom.Com; also Editor at PoliSat.Com.
