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·   ·

January 31, 2008--

2008 Super Bowl provides excellent setting for Thanks to Our Troops as "MVP" players in Liberty's Game.


          In 2008 when the Super Bowl game, our yearly tradition as Liberty's Game, rewards its contestants with fortune and fame, it's right to remember the joys of the game are viewed through a window by liberty framed.  Though mainly a window performs by its panes enabling our vision of sights through its frame, a function more subtle occurs when its panes send partial reflections like mirrors that frame a view of ourselves as we look through its frame.  And keen eyes perceive watching Liberty's Game ourselves in reflection by liberty framed and thus are reminded of who we should name as MVP players in Liberty's Game:  Our Troops as protectors of Liberty's Frame.   In case you perceive that the preceding lines are written conforming to rhythm and rhyme, and if you prefer reading rhythm and rhyme in stanzas presented a line at a time, scroll down for the message in stanzas and lines:  


Embed this 2008 Super Bowl Thanks To Troops video 
or go here for other configurations.



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·Embed this YouTube/Google version of 

2008 Super Bowl Thanks To Troops·

·About the ending-segment of video-tribute above:  Go here·

·Global Web Solutions, Inc.· 

About this song/video-- Go here.




In 2008 when the Super Bowl game,
our yearly tradition as Liberty's Game,
rewards its contestants with fortune and fame,
it's right to remember the joys of the game
are viewed through a window by liberty framed.


Though mainly a window performs by its panes
enabling our vision of sights through its frame,
a function more subtle occurs when its panes
send partial reflections like mirrors that frame
a view of ourselves as we look through its frame.


And keen eyes perceive watching Liberty's Game
ourselves in reflection by liberty framed
and thus are reminded of who we should name
as MVP players in Liberty's Game:
Our Troops as protectors of Liberty's Frame.

Our troops far from home will watch "Liberty's Game" secure in the knowledge that their efforts and sacrifices will help insure the ultimate triumph of liberty over tyranny for all of us and our posterity.  What makes their sacrifices so much more honorable is that they make them voluntarily rather than by compulsion.   When Tom Brokaw described the World War II generation as "the Greatest Generation," he didn't adequately appreciate the generation(s) of our military personnel serving voluntarily since elimination of the draft in the 1970's.  Today's American military is the best, most professional, most disciplined in conforming to moral codes of conduct,  and most humane of any military that ever existed in all of human history.   Despite the horrors of war to which they're exposed, the crime-rates among our military are lower than among our civilian population living in the cocoon of freedom being secured by them.   Are they perfect?  Of course not.  Do they claim to be?  Of course not.  Do they adhere to their loyalty to our constitutional form of government despite the free-speech they're protecting being abused by so many to heap false and malicious calumny upon them?  Yes they do.  Do they deserve our unequivocal support and gratitude?  Of course they do.

--Jim Wrenn, Editor at WrennCom.Com; also Editor at PoliSat.Com.


Permanent links for this installment:  .  .

  http://PoliSat.Com/2008SuperBowlThanksToTroops.htm  .
