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September 9, 2008--

Awesome is far too inadequate to describe "Dear Mr. Obama" video by Iraq Veteran.

This is one of the most powerful videos I've ever seen for conveying the historically pivotal nature of victory in Iraq and the utter speciousness of the moral posturing of those (such as Obama) who characterize it as a victory in "a war that should never have been fought." As a reminder of but a few of the reasons it was a war that should have been fought, see the "Exposing Bush on Iraq" video (below), but don't be misled by the title. Furthermore, since some supporters of the "surge" and of victory as the goal nevertheless tend to embrace criticism of the conduct of the war (i.e., tactical blunders that cost lives) as though such criticisms undermine the validity of the war itself, I've included another video focusing on the latter perception, which is titled "Baseball, Football and War" (below middle). As anyone knowledgeable about military history knows, Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Montgomery made quite a few tactical blunders costing many lives in the process of managing a strategy that ultimately led to victory.

I received the link to the video via an email from a friend, and although it was posted quite recently, when I viewed it today (Sept. 9, 2008), it had already been viewed nearly 2 million times. That means there are still at least 300 million non-Kool-Aid drinking Americans capable of appreciating it and who ought to view it. So, everyone should send the link to it to everyone he/she knows not to be tripped-out on the Kool Aid.

What's needed is for this video to be viewed by every American not already permanently blinded and deafened by the toxic effects of drinking the Kool Aid of the Left.

Finally, our troops who doggedly persisted despite the loud "insurgency" at home predicting defeat (or "proclaiming" it in the case of Harry Reid) deserve our boundless gratitude and support. As a way of expressing such thanks and support, I've included a video tribute to our troops (below bottom).




--Jim Wrenn, Editor at WrennCom.Com; also Editor at PoliSat.Com.

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