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12, 2009--
The Left, Center and Right Agree on Curbing
Compensation/Benefits to Business Executives Serving or Departing Financially
Troubled Companies Seeking Bailouts from Taxpayers, but...
Currently, there's one thing on which union members, proprietors, taxpayers,
leftists, liberals, centrists, conservatives, rightists and everyone else appear
to agree: Compensation/benefits for a business executive serving, or departing, a
financially troubled company seeking a bailout/loan from taxpayers (or
reorganization protection under bankruptcy laws) ought not protected from reduction needed to enable the company to
recover. In contrast with such unanimity, union members, leftists and
liberals disagree with everyone else that union benefits likewiseought
not be protected from such reduction.
There's another important distinction: Although there are some cases in
which the sizes of executive compensation/benefits under the circumstances seem
egregious, there's virtually no case in
which reduction of same would be <i>necessary</i> for the company to
recover, but there are cases in which
substantially reducing union benefits would be essential
for such recovery. Yet unions, leftists and liberals adamantly
demanding rescission or reduction of executive compensation/benefits are equally
adamant in opposing reduction of union-benefits legacy costs even when common
sense makes the necessity of such reductions obvious. Such is the case
regarding the severe competitive disadvantage such legacy costs impose upon
General Motors relative to other motor-vehicle manufacturers not burdened with
such costs. Not only do unions, leftists and liberals straddle this
intellectual chasm, but they do so without shame that ought to accompany the breathtaking
hypocrisy of such "heads we win, tails you lose" agenda.
Worse still, the current "stimulus" package enacted by Congress (in
reference to which the most "bi-partisan" position is Republican and
"Blue Dog" Democratic opposition in the House) makes the
problem far worse by providing tens of billions of federal subsidies to the
Global Warming Religion. Worst of all is the fact that few of the
so-called "independent" and "middle-of-the-road" voters are
even remotely familiar with the contents of the "stimulus" package (as
is the case also with a vast majority of Senators and Representatives who have
not even read it).
What chance is there that ordinary voters who are not devout parishioners in
the Churches of Unionism, Leftism, Liberalism, and Pantheopianism will become
knowledgeable about these issues before it's too late? It's already too
late to stop enactment of the current version of the "stimulus"
package instead of tax-cut proposals that would have produced twice the number
of jobs at half the "cost." Even though it's already too
late to stop this significantly farther slide down the slippery slope toward a
statist economy, it's not too late to keep us from reaching the bottom of that
slope. There is hope for change (in contrast to Hope
for Change) if, but only if, proprietors, taxpayers,
centrists, conservatives, and rightists mount an effective public-education
campaign to expose the contradictory and economically destructive nature of the
collectivist liturgy embraced by each of those "Churches."
To be effective, such campaign
must tap the outrage in the minds of the so-called "independents" and
"middle-roaders" currently directed almost exclusively at
"business executives" (as a result of the limited perspective
furnished to them by the dominant media) so that such outrage broadens to
include recognition of the role of governmental social-engineering regulationandunion-benefits legacy
costs as
the main causes of the problem. Such public-education campaign must
effectively counter the spurious assertions that "greedy wall street
executives" caused the mortgage crisis that led to the current
financial/economic problems rather than the primary cause having been
governmental coercion imposing social-engineering recipes for disaster on the
marketplace through the influence of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and federal
policy forcing lenders to make
millions of worthless loans under the Community Reinvestment Act. Indeed,
(and no thanks to McCain's inept campaign), the vast majority of so-called
"independents" and "middle-roaders" in the country believe
President Obama's false claim that George Bush implemented policies that caused
the mortgage crisis even though it's
demonstrably a matter of public record that Bush tried to prevent it and that it
was political resistance by liberal Democrats who legislatively blocked his
efforts to do so. Thus, the voters have unwittingly hired the looters
to run the bank and the arsonists to fight the fire.
Although talk-radio reaches tens of millions, the vast majority of that
audience already understands the issues. Talk radio does not reach a large
proportion of so-called "independents" and "middle-roaders,"
whose perceptions are shaped by the limited perspective provided by the dominant
media (which overtly supports the economic, social and foreign policies of
unions, leftists and liberals) and messages relentlessly reinforcing such
perspectives embedded by Hollywood and the entertainment industry into
entertainment consumed by the "independents/moderates." There's
no "George Soros" on the right (or in the center) ready, willing and
able to counter such skewed perspective. Thus, it's not going to be done
unless and until hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of proprietors,
taxpayers, conservatives and rightists find and fund ways to gain the attention
of the "independents/moderates" and counter statist propaganda by
educating them on economics, real science
and liberty