December 20, 2009-- A Warning to Warner and Webb: A Yes-Vote for Cloture to Ebb Debate on ObamaCare is Yes to ObamaCare by Which Cherished Freedoms Will Ebb. A warning to Warner and Webb: A yes-vote for cloture to ebb debate on ObamaCare is yes to ObamaCare by which cherished freedoms will ebb. You probably think you'll be able to "sell" to the voters the fable that subsequent voting of "nay" to oppose it, means "for" it you couldn't be labeled.
Although you're accustomed to thinking of mem'ries of voters as shrinking, the voters galore who're "silent no more" have mem'ries enduring, not shrinking. So don't think we won't hold a grudge for voting for cloture to nudge the Senate to voting for statutes eroding our rights on what plans we'll indulge. So, therefore, it's best you assume, on cloture a "yes" will entomb the ultimate fate your status awaits when when you're by Virginians removed. And thus, if you hope to remain as Senator, surely it's plain on cloture your vote must firmly be "no," so passage cannot be attained. And likewise, on "Cap and Trade" plans, if cloture becomes a demand, a "yes" will be seen as "yes" to the deed of foisting such laws on our land. So likewise, it's best you assume on cloture a "yes" would entomb a similar fate you'd surely await when you're by Virginians removed. So, now in a Christmas-like spirit, we urge you to vote to prohibit political hacks from votes to enact the "health" plan with freedom constricted. Insist that the House and the Senate return to square one for beginning a new plan from scratch designed to unlatch our health care from government limits. Perhaps as you're reading these lines you've noticed the rhythm and rhyme, and if you prefer the format of verse, scroll-down for the stanzas and lines. --Jim Wrenn, Virginia voter with a long memory and countless friends with equally long memories. A
warning to Warner and Webb: You
probably think you'll be able
now it should not be a myst'ry Although
you're accustomed to thinking So
don't think we won't hold a grudge So,
therefore, it's best you assume, And
thus, if you hope to remain And
likewise, on "Cap and Trade" plans, So
likewise, it's best you assume So,
now in a Christmas-like spirit, Insist
that the House and the Senate
Permanent link to this installment: http://wrenncom.com/CommentaryArchives/2009/20y09m12d20-01.asp.