Virginians Warn Warner and Webb: A Yes-Vote for Cloture to Ebb Debate on ObamaCare is Yes to ObamaCare by Which Cherished Freedoms Will Ebb..· By Jim
Wrenn, Virginians warn Warner and Webb: Your yes-vote for cloture to ebb debate on ObamaCare was yes to ObamaCare by which cherished freedoms will ebb. You may still believe you'll be able to "sell" to the voters the fable that subsequent voting of "nay" to oppose it, means "for" it you couldn't be labeled.
However, you still have a chance to earn your redemption. The chance? When cloture is sought to vote on what's wrought in conference, vote "No, not a chance." If this you would do you would earn respect from the folks who discern the way that ObamaCare our freedoms apart would tear, and thus might secure your next term. In contrast, if "yes" you would vote the next time on cloture your vote and thus not abort the conference report, unseat you we will with our votes. To Webb: So this message you'll see, Virginians will fax it to thee to give you a chance to think in advance on what your next vote ought to be. To Eight-Zero-Four after One, then Seven then Seven then One, then Eight and then Three, then One and then Three-- from us many faxes will come. Spend Christmas digesting this warning, and ready yourself for disarming the next cloture goal and thus replace coal you left in our stockings this morning. Virginians desiring to send this message to Senator "Jim" should print-out this page and promptly engage your hardware to fax it to him. And if, as you're reading these lines, you notice the rhythm and rhyme, and if you prefer the format for verse, scroll-down for the stanzas and lines.
may still believe
you'll be able Although
in the past many voters
thus you no longer can count However,
you still have a chance If
this you would do you would earn In
contrast, if "yes" you would vote To
Eight-Zero-Four after One, Spend
Christmas digesting this warning, Virginians
desiring to send --Jim Wrenn, Virginia voter with a long memory and countless friends with equally long memories. Permanent links to this installment: http://PoliSat.Com/AyesAndNays.htm OR http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2009/du20y09m12d21-01.htm OR http://wrenncom.com/CommentaryArchives/2009/20y09m12d21-01.asp. For Text-Only Version of this document to print text only: http://polisat.com/DailyPoliticalSatire-Commentary/Archives2009/du20y09m12d21-01PrintTextOnly.htm