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Focus on News, Politics, etc.
by Jim Wrenn, Editor (April 10, 2000)

Elian Gonzales:
Questions for Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Greg Craig et al regarding what will happen to Elian Gonzales upon his return to Cuba.

    Someone among the reporters in the "mainstream" media should propound the following questions to Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Greg Craig, et al:.
    When Elian Gonzales returns to Cuba:
    1) Will he be permitted to tell his classmates his true feelings toward his Miami relatives or will the Cuban government "educate" him until he "understands" they were kidnappers desiring to exploit him for their own political advantage?
    2) Will he be permitted to tell his classmates his true feelings toward his mother, who died trying to bring him to freedom, or will the Cuban government "educate" him until he "understands" that his mother was a criminal?
    3) Will he be permitted to describe to his classmates the fun things he did while in the care of his Miami relatives or will the Cuban government "educate" him until he "understands" that such activities merely constitute forms of decadence and self-indulgence in an evil capitalistic system?
    4) Will he be permitted to explain to his classmates that after he was born, his father had refused to re-marry his mother (from whom he was divorced when she became pregnant with Elian) and instead married another woman or will the Cuban government "educate" him until he "understands" that his father is one of the true "Heroes of the Revolution" who understands that each child is first and foremost a "Child of Cuba" rather than being first and foremost a child of his parents?
    These are just a few questions which should be self-evidently relevant and important in the mind of anyone desiring to call himself/herself a "reporter" in a free society.

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