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Focus on News, Politics, etc. By Jim Wrenn, Editor..

Daily Commentary--Go to:  Daily Updates at PoliSat.Com.

Sporadic Commentary--Archives (see below):
Date/Link            Title
2003-03-11--01:  Self-evident flaws in contentions that "inspections can work" and Saddam Hussein can be "contained."
2001-09-11--01:  Freedom's War Against Terrorism is Civilization's War Against Barbarism.
2001-07-04--01:  Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness versus Life, Liberty and Property.
2001-06-19--01:  Global-Warming or Scientific Flatulence-- T-Minus Seven Years and Counting.
2000-11-11--01:  Presidential-Election Vote-Counting.
:  Colin Powell's speech to Republican Convention is watershed event.
2000-07-21--01:  Predictions on who will be vice-presidential nominees for Bush and Gore.
2000-06-28--01:  Iconization of Elian Gonzales & Juan Miguel; Demonization of Elian's Mom.
2000-04-10--01:  Questions for Reno, Clinton, Craig, et al re Elian upon return to Cuba
2000-04-06--01:  Waiting for Gonzales
2000-03-21--01:  Campaign Finance-- Al Gore's "Controlling Authority"
2000-03-08--01:  Campaign 2000-- Iowa Caucuses to Super Tuesday
2000-02-01--01:  New Hampshire--Campaign-Finance "Reform"
2000-01-29--01:  Alan Keyes--The Creator, Declaration of Independence, & Constitution
2000-01-26--01:  Elian Gonzales-- Juan Miguel Gonzales-- Fatherhood-- State of Biology or
                         State of Mind?
2000-01-01--04:  Campaign-Finance Reform:  Free Speech as best "Reform"
2000-01-01--03:  Freedom of Speech & Labor
2000-01-01--02:  Predictions for 21sth Century (commencing 01-01-2001)
2000-01-01--01:  Millennium Education Project (an ostensibly futile effort).
1999-10-30--01:  Tobacco-- Shouldn't These Questions be Answered?