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Focus on September 11, 2001 by Jim Wrenn, Editor

Index  .
2001-11-17-01  Special Forces on Horses 101.
2001-10-12-01  Honoring terrorism's victims.
2001-10-10-01  For freedom to triumph over terrorism.
2001-09-17-01  Freedom's war against terrorism is civilizations' war against barbarism.

To Honor terrorism's victims ... (October 12, 2001)

For freedom to triumph over terrorism ... (October 10, 2001)

Freedom's War Against Terrorism is Civilization's War Against Barbarism.
What must ordinary citizens do for barbarism to be defeated?. (September 17, 2001)

We who expect those who voluntarily serve as our civilization's protectors (our military, police, firefighters, emergency medical personnel and similar professionals) to risk their lives to protect us from terrorists must treat it as our obligation as civilized people to risk being casualties in civilization's war against barbarism by refusing to allow terrorists to cow us into curtailing our exercises of freedoms our country taught the world to be inherent in civilized society.  Otherwise, the barbarians will have won.  All civilized people feel the deepest possible sympathy for the victims of barbarism and unbounded admiration for the heroism of those risking and sacrificing their lives and safety for such victims, but defeating the barbarians is the only way to give meaning to the deaths and sufferings of such victims and to truly honor the heroic efforts to save them.   

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